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Aleister Crowley in the Mouth of Hell


Underground filmmaker Carlos Atanes has been trying to make a movie about Aleister Crowley and his Magick for more than ten years. In the beginning of 2007 this was the third and last attempt -after "Ian Perplexed" and "Perdurabo (Where is Aleister Crowley?)"- of the deal with Magick: "Aleister Crowley in the Mouth of Hell".


This script is structured in the reverse order of the Major Arcana of Crowley’s Tarot. The plot describes the mystical trip of Crowley through the Duat –the egyptian underworld–, the encounters with significant characters in his real life –people as Hanni Jaegger, Fernando Pessoa, Leila Wadell, Victor Neuburg, Raoul Loveday– and the confrontation with the demon Choronzon, his old adversary.


Here you have the screenplay such as it was written and never filmed.

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